
Nyo and Welcome to the Studio Ramen Blog, The works cooked up here are intended for the mature and is meant strictly for entertainment, so enjoy, be respectful and ifin ya need to get in contact with me, I'm not a hard cat to get in touch with >n.n<.
much love ~Noodles


Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Workshop Mugen Dev [003]

 With CEO 2016 behind me and EVO 2016 ahead I've had fighting games on the brain something fierce button ...
... I've been putting pencil to paper working on a few characters some new some old. Posting a few pics of what I've been working on lately.

Working on Evan's Base color palette.
Special Color palette. 
Ringo Beast mod activated.
"You're too slow to deal with me."
A new assist for the mob who's not
afraid to slap her target around to throw them off guard.
A character originally slated to appear in the mob
has broken free and taking on a life of her own.
Amber's walking forward animation
As much as I wanted to wait I found myself  working
on Rouge, this is one I plan on having fun with..
Went forward with starting on Amy Rose as well.
Most of her move set's been made just gotta get it all drawn and scanned.
And well ... while we're at it.
Sonic's walk forward animation.

Sonic's back tread animation.

Sonic's Run animation.

 That's all for now everyone take care stay awesome and as always, with whatever it is you may be doing, have fun.


  1. Whoa, those are some great animations. Can't wait to see Amy playable; Rouge looking awesome, Amber looks interesting too. Got some questions: After you scanned the images in, how fast can you clean up the sprites? or what is fast process to clean the lines?

    1. Thanks and that usually depends on how "busy" the character is and also how much of a roll I'm on. Usually anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.

  2. MUGEN related question. Mind if you post instructions on how to add custom pics on MurakamiMob's id@lmasher move and fan service? I don't really understand how it works. And how do you trigger fan service?

    1. The move is triggered on certain characters at the moment I'm taking that aspect out in he next update so that it triggers each time (so long as there's at least 1 super bar) as for the the custom pics I'm going to add a tutorial to this post later this week (just need to word it right).

    2. Could you make nagi renegade knee easier to pull off because I haven't pulled it off once

  3. nice to see you back working on mugen related stuff again. Any chance Akemi will get updated and that grappling move of hers fixed?

    1. I'd honestly like to overhaul the hell out of her at some piint

  4. yeah but with so many projects you got going, I seriously doubt you'd get to her. but good luck on completing them anyways.

  5. How are you, Noodles? Is everything allright? It's been a while since your last post. We look forward to seeing some news. =D

    1. Couldn't be better especially now We'll see ya soon.


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