
Nyo and Welcome to the Studio Ramen Blog, The works cooked up here are intended for the mature and is meant strictly for entertainment, so enjoy, be respectful and ifin ya need to get in contact with me, I'm not a hard cat to get in touch with >n.n<.
much love ~Noodles


Thursday, April 23, 2015


 Nyo~HO Everybody! It's been a whiles how's it goins? Good I hopes Small update on the dev side of things today  Don't worry guys I still live =n.n=

Gallery Updates

   I've made updates to the following galleries , Chai Tea, so check em out once ya get a chance.

3D game project

 Well a lot of time is going into this one, the past few weeks have gone to modeling and a crap ton of coding I did however pick up a few techniques along the way so yey.

Head Models
Hair model 01
Hair Model 02 REIGUN!!!
Hair Model 03
Caning Head type 01
 So far so Good on the head models, Started on a few practice hairs, haven't gotten around to texturing them yet. Working out a few variations of the Canine head and moving on to Canine female afterwards.

Body Models
Human Male body models
Human Female Body Models
Canine Male Body models 1
 Body models have been going good so far, this is too fun for its own good. I've got a few more anthro types I want to make (feline, horse, rabbit) I'm trying to keep them pretty uniform so I don't have to get too crazy with the rig.

Started on Anmations
 Started working some Base animations nothing big yet just getting some practice in with Blender.

Random Idle Animation 1
Random Idle Animation 2
 A small demo of what I've got so far, the 3rd person camera still needs a lil work  but I'm pretty happy with how things are so far. Hoping to have my models set for a mini CaC mode, may take a bit  but therein lies the fun.

What I've got so far as a running model.

Sky Neko Uber Pre Alpha.

Well guys n gals that's it for now hopefully it won't be as long in betwixt posts.Take care for now and remain ever so awesome.


  1. Haha, you still live! We haven't abandoned this dojo! Was wondering if your still interested in creating those characters like Kumo from your poll list. By the way, great work with blender, how did you put that pink model and have her run around? Is that using Blenders game engine?

    1. Yea I don't think I could ever abandon mugen so still on board with the characters, Who knows the rate things are going they might pop up other places as well. And that model I made in blender and transferred into Unity.


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