
Nyo and Welcome to the Studio Ramen Blog, The works cooked up here are intended for the mature and is meant strictly for entertainment, so enjoy, be respectful and ifin ya need to get in contact with me, I'm not a hard cat to get in touch with >n.n<.
much love ~Noodles


Friday, June 22, 2018

Some Stuff n things

Got a few things in the works and here I's like to share some previews ...


Fallen Angels vol 1

 A lil Series of stories I've been meaning to work on for quite some time. 

Serendipity Interludes Vol 1

 Something new I started, a set of short scenes of characters during their more intimate moments.

Art Packs

Summer Gallery A
Summer's here time for Themed Pinup sets.

Holiday Gallery A
Started on a new Holiday set to be included with the set above.

 Gonna continue workin on these and hope to have em out soon. For now take care and stay frosty all you cool kats and katettes.


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