
Nyo and Welcome to the Studio Ramen Blog, The works cooked up here are intended for the mature and is meant strictly for entertainment, so enjoy, be respectful and ifin ya need to get in contact with me, I'm not a hard cat to get in touch with >n.n<.
much love ~Noodles


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Flash~ Flash Boogie woogie oogie

 We ll I've finally gotten to get me paws on flash well reget that is. had to get my tootsies wet so I whipped up this little exercise for myself with some old character designs I had from when I was gonna use Flash before.

if it's a bit small you can go here to see the larger version. Well, gettin back to work for now, take care everyone, till next time.


  1. Have fun staring at the "Days of Future Past" stage. I know I do.


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